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Statutory Benefits Center

Paid Leave Oregon Equivalent Plans

What is a Paid Leave Oregon Equivalent Plan?

In Oregon, there are two types of equivalent plans, commonly referred to as private plans: employer-administered or fully insured through a private carrier like ShelterPoint Insurance Company (ShelterPoint).

An equivalent plan is a private plan that:

  • Has the same or more benefits than the Paid Leave Oregon state plan
  • Covers all employees
  • Cannot deduct more from employees’ contributions than the state plan
  • Is approved by the Oregon Employment Department
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Equivalent plans from approved private carriers may offer many benefits including competitive pricing, experience, scalability, and agility to manage statutory benefits coverage. Private carriers may have the resources to continuously expand and enhance capabilities to provide smooth service from onboarding to claims.

Employers will continue to have obligations and notice requirements whether they’re with the State, are employer-administered or are insured through a fully insured equivalent plan carrier like ShelterPoint.

How to Apply for a Paid Leave Oregon Equivalent Plan through ShelterPoint*

1 Obtain quote and equivalent plan package

  • Broker – submit the following info to ShelterPoint for quoting:
    • Client’s business name and address, SIC code, desired effective date, and census data
    • Brokers, contact for details and to get the process started
  • Broker and employer (client) – complete and submit ShelterPoint’s application
  • ShelterPoint – We will provide materials you will need to file the equivalent plan application with the State of Oregon.

2 Obtain State approval to provide an equivalent plan

  • Client (employer) – submit equivalent plan application with the State through their Frances Online account
    • To submit by mail, download and print it from Frances Online or request it from the State by phone 833-854-0166
    • Please have the following handy: ShelterPoint’s provided materials, details about your business, completed equivalent plan application with questionnaire
  • State – approves and sends confirmation directly to the employer via the method selected in Frances online (email or mail) and makes it available for download in Frances Online
  • Employer (client) – sends State approval to ShelterPoint

3 ShelterPoint issues policy

How to Keep the Paid Leave Oregon Equivalent Plan Active

Oregon requires an annual renewal for the first 3 years. This is due 30 days prior to the renewal.

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A pair of carpenters working in their shop

What to Know When Providing an Equivalent Plan

  • Employers who offer an equivalent plan still report wages through payroll reports but pay their premium to the insurance carrier instead of the State.
  • They cannot withhold more than the State-allowed maximum contribution from their employees.
  • Once the equivalent plan is in effect, employees apply for their Paid Leave benefits directly with their employer’s equivalent plan carrier. If you have Paid Leave Oregon coverage through ShelterPoint, direct your employees to our claims guide page for more details on how to apply for benefits.

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Statutory benefit programs are what we do.

We have built the experience, scalability, and agility to expertly manage this type of coverage and continuously expand our own capabilities to provide our clients with smooth service from onboarding to claims.

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*The ShelterPoint family of companies operates under the “ShelterPoint” name strictly as a marketing name, and no legal significance is expressed or implied. The ShelterPoint family of companies consists of ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company, a NY-domiciled carrier, and its wholly-owned subsidiary ShelterPoint Insurance Company, a FL-domiciled carrier, depending on the state (see our Geographic & Jurisdictional Notice here). ShelterPoint is a registered service mark.

The information in this document is based on our knowledge of the OR [Chapter 657B of the Oregon Revised Statutes and the policies of the Oregon Employment Department under OAR 471-070-0010 et seq.] and regulations, and may change as regulations evolve or the Oregon Employment Department issues guidance regarding the regulations. It is for illustrative purposes only, providing a general overview of the Paid Leave Oregon program. It is not a contract. ShelterPoint Insurance Company policies are subject to Underwriting approval. Please refer to the policy for terms under which it may be continued or cancelled, and for policy exclusions and limitations. In the event of conflicting information with the policy, the policy will take precedence over what is shown in this material. Available in Oregon only. Underwritten by: ShelterPoint Insurance Company, a FL-domiciled carrier, Policy Form # SPI PFMLP 0123 OR

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