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What is Paid Family & Medical Leave in Massachusetts?

Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) is a required benefit in Massachusetts. MA PFML provides eligible employees with job protected, partially paid time off for qualifying life events such as bonding leave to care for a new child, caring for a family member with a serious health condition, caring for a family member who is a covered service member with an illness or injury related to active service, qualifying military exigency, or for self-care for a serious health condition.

female business owner working in a bakery


Are All Massachusetts Employers Required to Provide MA PFML Benefits?

Most employers with 1+ employees in Massachusetts are considered covered employers and are required to provide MA PFML benefits. Visit our Coverage Requirements page to see whether you would be considered a covered employer.

By default, employers receive MA PFML coverage for their employees through the MA PFML State Plan. Employers have the option to instead provide this coverage through an insurance carrier in the form of an approved Private Plan.

Pregnant Mother Daughter bonding

What is an Approved Private Plan?

An approved Private Plan is an alternative to the MA PFML State Plan. Benefits included in a Private Plan need to at least meet or exceed the rights, protections and benefits offered to employees under the State Plan. There are various self-insured options available to the employer or it can be fully insured, provided through an approved insurance carrier like ShelterPoint*. ShelterPoint only offers a fully insured Private Plan.

Learn more about Private Plans and how to apply for a Private Plan here.

Who is Eligible to Receive Benefits?

Employees who are considered part of the employer’s covered workforce may be eligible to receive benefits.
Learn more about the types of employees that make up an employer’s covered workforce, here.

Are employees who live outside Massachusetts eligible?

Workers who make up the covered workforce don’t need to live in Massachusetts to be counted but do need to work in Massachusetts.

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How Much Does the Program Cost?

How much Massachusetts PFML costs, depends on how an employer chooses to provide the coverage whether through the State Plan, via self insuring, or in form of a fully insured Private Plan from an insurance carrier like ShelterPoint*.

In Massachusetts, both employers and employees share in the cost of the program for businesses with more than 25 employees. See the current State Plan rates here.

Private Plans can set their own contribution rate. Private Plans must be equal to or more generous than the State Plan and most importantly they must not cost the employee more in terms of their maximum employee contribution. Learn more about how premiums work on our Premium & Contribution page.

Learn More About MA Paid Family & Medical Leave

Notice Requirements

Visit the MA Department of Family and Medical Leave web page detailing employer notice requirements for informing your workforce about PFML (including Workplace Poster and Employer Notice templates).

Family bonding
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*The ShelterPoint family of companies operates under the “ShelterPoint” name strictly as a marketing name, and no legal significance is expressed or implied. The ShelterPoint family of companies consists of ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company, a NY-domiciled carrier, and its wholly-owned subsidiary ShelterPoint Insurance Company, a FL-domiciled carrier, depending on the state. ShelterPoint is a registered service mark.

Massachusetts Paid Family & Medical Leave is available in MA only and will be underwritten by: ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company (a New York-domiciled carrier): Policy Form# SPL PFMLP 0820 MA.

The information in this material is based on our knowledge of the current MA Paid Family & Medical Leave law and regulations. If the Department of Family & Medical Leave revises the regulations, adopts new policies or if the law itself is amended, we will update this document. This document is not intended to be and should not be construed as legal advice. Employers are encouraged to consult employment law counsel for legal advice.


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