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Effective January 1, 2024, most Colorado businesses must provide CO Family & Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI), whether through the state-run plan or an approved Private Plan.

What Is An Approved Private Plan?

It’s an alternative to Colorado’s state plan for FAMLI benefits that must at least meet or exceed the rights, protections and benefits of the state plan. An approved Private Plan can be either self-insured by a CO employer or fully-insured through an approved insurance carrier like ShelterPoint*.

Employer talking in a meeting

Why Would An Employer Want To Provide A Private Plan?

Pricing may not be the only reason why a Colorado employer would select a private plan. With decades of experience in statutory benefit programs, we have been able to identify the top 3 additional advantages for employers:

  • 1
  • 2
  •   3
Reason 1
Private carriers like ShelterPoint have built the experience, scalability, and agility to manage statutory benefits insurance and have the resources to continuously expand and enhance capabilities to provide smooth service from onboarding to claims.

Reason 2
Private Plan carriers have resources to help employers remain in compliance and adequately informed.

Reason 3
Insurance carriers have long-standing experience around administering and paying claims, which may result in faster claims turnaround and dedicated claims service.

Broker talking on the phone

Broker's Guide To Private Plan Options

Our Broker's Guide to Private Plan Options dives deeper into more advantages for your clients – regardless of the state program they may be required to provide.  Find out why it may be a win-win for both you and your clients here!

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Private Plans Brochure For Employers

This PDF outlines the benefits of a fully-insured private plan option for employers. 

Download it now


The Private Options Guide Cover


How To Apply For A CO FAMLI Private Plan

Here’s an overview of steps you need to take in Colorado to apply for a fully-insured approved private plan. Since some of the details are still falling into place, things may change as guidance from the State emerges.

Step 1 – You and your broker

Provide your broker with the information they need to request a quote. Most carriers will have similar information requirements to provide your broker with a quote. But, for ShelterPoint specifically, please provide the following information about your group through your broker:
  • Your company’s full information, including full legal name, address, and SIC code.
  • Census with employees working at your CO location(s) who are eligible for FAMLI:
    • Gender
    • Employment status (full-time, part-time, or 1099ers)
    • Date of birth (DOB)
    • Total Wages
  • Include part-timers who meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Desired effective date
  • If needed, we may require additional information.

Step 2 – ShelterPoint

Based on your information, we will provide a proposal.
  • After you accept the proposal, ShelterPoint will provide an application for coverage.
  • We will also provide a sample insurance policy. (ShelterPoint is currently in the approval process with the State, and will send a sample once the policy has been approved.)

Step 3 – You

Submit the private plan application with the insurance policy provided by your insurance carrier through the My FAMLI+ Employer portal. For instructions on how to submit a CO FAMLI private plan application, please check out the CO FAMLI Division’s user guide, here.

An application for private plan approval must include:
  • The employer’s federal employer identification number (“EIN”)
  • The employer’s name
  • The employer’s business address
  • The employer’s mailing address
  • A designated contact person, with that person’s name and contact information
  • A copy of the carrier’s insurance policy form
  • An attestation by the employer certifying that the employer understands and the private plan satisfies the requirements set by the FAMLI Act
  • An employer attestation confirming that the private plan’s forms will be as simple to use as the state plan’s forms for employees and/or health care providers (such as claim forms)
  • A copy of the posted notice
  • An administration fee of:
    • $500.00 for private plan applications received through 2024

Step 4 – The CO FAMLI Division

The FAMLI Division will provide you with the private plan approval to submit to your insurance carrier as part of the completed application of coverage.

Step 5 – Claim Forms/Employee Notice

Once the FAMLI Division has approved your application, ShelterPoint will provide you with the claims packet that will be used for processing claims. At least 30 days prior to the effective date of the policy, you must make the claim forms available to employees and post and deliver the required employee notice.

Step 6 – Renewal & Keeping your private plan active

Once a private plan application is approved, it’s valid for 8 years. Beginning in November 2024 (and every November annually), you must submit an attestation to the FAMLI Division to certify that
  • your contact information is still accurate
  • your approved private plan continues to satisfy the requirements of the FAMLI Act.



Important Timing Considerations And Employer Obligations

  • The functionality to submit a private plan application is not yet available on the My FAMLI+ Employer portal, and is expected to become available in the spring/summer timeframe. However, once the functionality becomes available, applications may be submitted at any time, and the FAMLI Division will review applications as they are received. But, as mentioned above, the state’s deadline for desired January 1, 2024 private plan effective dates is October 31, 2023.
    • Keep in mind that it also takes a few weeks to get through the necessary steps before you can submit your packet to the FAMLI Division – in other words, don’t wait until late October to queue up a private plan!

  • Approved private plans must take effect at least 60 days after the application date so that the FAMLI Division has sufficient time to review the application, and the employer has sufficient time to provide notice to employees.
    • You must provide 30 days written notice to your employees of the FAMLI Division’s private plan approval in lieu of participating in the state plan.
    • If you have employees whose start date is later than 30 days before your private plan’s effective date, you must notify the new employee in writing immediately upon hire.

  • In addition to delivering the written notice to each of its employees in Colorado, an employer must post a notice containing the same information by January 1, 2023.
    • The notice must be posted in an accessible place in each establishment where employees are employed.
    • The notice must be in English, Spanish, and in any language that is the first language spoken by at least five percent of the employer’s Colorado workforce.
    • If the employer does not maintain a physical workplace, or an employee works remotely, the employer may satisfy the posting requirement by sending the Notice via email or through a conspicuous posting in a web-based or app-based platform that the employee regularly uses.

Please check back for updates to this page and subscribe here to stay up-to-date with requirements regarding Private Plans.



CO FAMLI (Family & Medical Leave Insurance) Frequently Asked Questions About Private Plans


How do employees fund for FAMLI if the employer chooses a private plan?

Employers would still deduct the contributions from employees’ payroll, whether they choose the state plan or a private plan. If you choose a private plan, you, the employer, would pay the insurance carrier directly instead of to the state with the employees’ payroll deductions. And don’t forget, if you have an approved private plan – it is up to you if and how much to deduct from your employee’s payroll as long as you are not deducting more than what the state would require from the employees for the same year or your private plan rate if it is lower than the state rate. In essence, employers may elect to pay the full amount if they choose to offer this as an additional employee benefit.

Do I need to apply for a private plan each year?

No, the approval for a private plan is valid for 8 years.

During the 8 years the private plan is in force, you would provide an attestation beginning in November 2024 and every November thereafter to the FAMLI Division that your contact information is accurate and that the private plan continues to satisfy the requirements of the FAMLI Act. However, you must notify the FAMLI Division if you switch private plan carriers or decide to use the state plan.

The FAMLI Division will send an expiration notice at least 90 days in advance of a private plan termination; the employer will need to submit an application of renewal at least 60 days before the termination of a private plan.


Family bonding
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The information in this document is based on our knowledge of the CO Family & Medical Leave Insurance Act (CO FAMLI) and regulations, and may change as regulations evolve or the CO FAMLI Division issues guidance regarding the regulations. This material is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal counsel. Please consult with an appropriate professional for legal and compliance advice. The information in this material is not intended as an offer of coverage. It is for illustrative purposes only, providing a general overview of the CO FAMLI program. It is not a contract. ShelterPoint Life policies are subject to Underwriting approval. Claim payment is not guaranteed; benefit amount depends on wages. All coverage extends up to policy limits. Policies are reviewed annually and may be cancelled for nonpayment. Please refer to the policy for terms under which it may be continued or cancelled, and for policy exclusions and limitations. In the event of conflicting information with the policy, the policy will take precedence over what is shown in this material. 

The ShelterPoint family of companies operates under the “ShelterPoint” name strictly as a marketing name, and no legal significance is expressed or implied. The ShelterPoint family of companies consists of ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company, a NY-domiciled carrier, and its wholly-owned subsidiary ShelterPoint Insurance Company, a FL-domiciled carrier, depending on the state. 

Available in Colorado only. Underwritten by: ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company (principal office in Garden City, NY) Policy Form # TBD

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