New York’s Paid Family Leave (PFL) was added to the long-established Disability Benefits Law in January 2018. PFL is typically added in form of a rider to the DBL policy, but, in some cases may be provided through self-insurance or stand-alone coverage.*
While these two coverages are closely intertwined and both provide a form of paid time off, they are used for distinctly different purposes (called qualifying events) and come with different benefits.
Some of the biggest differences between DBL and PFL include:
- job protection (PFL has it, DBL doesn’t)
- the pay rate
- leave duration
Paid Family Leave covers time off from work spent for a family member, i.e. PFL allows you to take leave for bonding with a newly born, adopted, or fostered child, caring for a seriously ill family member, or to handle exigencies related to a family member’s active military service.
On the other hand, DBL is specifically for an employee’s own “disability” (serious illness or injury). That means, DBL provides temporary benefits if you can’t work due to an off-the-job injury/illness, or for pregnancy-related care, such as recovery after birth or complications during pregnancy.
This handy infographic illustrates the core similarities and differences between DBL and PFL, ranging from benefit amount and duration, to eligibility (for part-time vs. full-time employees) and qualification period; and from claims process and turn-around time to rates/premium and maximum employee contribution. You can even print and hang this useful guide in your office for easy reference!

Download full DBL vs PFL infographic