Inform your workforce about private plan and upcoming vote
Provide your employees with the following at least two weeks prior to the vote:
- A copy of the Sample Policy
- Fully completed Plain Language Guide describing the plan
- Instructions about the voting process.
Sign up here to get updated if and when new information becomes available about what to provide to your employees.
Hold a 1-question vote on the private plan
At least two weeks after the date of informing your workforce, you must hold a vote, which needs to be independently verifiable after the fact by the Connecticut Paid Leave Authority. The Connecticut Paid Family and Medical Leave Authority provides a
full set of guidelines employers must follow when holding this vote, which can be found
here. Here are a few highlights:
- There must be an anonymous majority vote in favor of the private plan, i.e.:
- 50% +1 vote of ALL employees working in Connecticut (not just of those who voted) on the employer’s payroll as of the date or time period of the vote (FT, PT and Probationary Employees)
- In other words, not voting is like voting “No”.
- o The vote must include regular employees who are on a paid or unpaid leave of absence (such as vacation, medical, military, educational, disciplinary, etc.), they must be enabled to vote on the day of the vote.
- You can ask only one question, worded exactly as follows:
“Do you approve the company’s private plan to provide benefits required by the CT Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act? Yes or No.”
Please be sure to read this Policy & Procedures document directly from the Connecticut Paid Family & Medical Leave Authority for full details and additional requirements regarding the employee vote.