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15 April 2020

Free Coloring Pages for Creative Inspiration During Challenging Times

Send someone virtual love, thanks, or encouragement!

  • 15 April 2020
  • Author: Anupam Garg
  • Number of views: 4650
Free Coloring Pages for Creative Inspiration During Challenging Times

As most of us can’t do our jobs the way we used to, and schools have closed to help “flatten the curve” of COVID-19, our lives are far from normal: juggling home office, home schooling, and domestic duties pose challenges none of us were prepared for.

Like some of you, many of us at ShelterPoint have kids home with us now, too; all while answering your calls, processing your claims, and writing the information for our COVID-19 Resource Center. Being able to keep our commitment to you amidst these unprecedented circumstances made us wonder how we can help not just our own employees but other working moms and dads as well. We’re sure that you, just like us, welcome ideas how to keep our kids occupied with positive and meaningful activities.

Meaningful activities to help them find a creative outlet and inspiration, focus on the good in these challenging times, all while giving them a way to express their gratitude for those who work so selflessly on the frontlines or send someone a virtual hug. This is when our idea for coloring pages was born. Coloring pages are nothing groundbreaking, but the impact you can have with them may very well be. Our hope is that our inspirational coloring pages provide you and your families with a positive creative outlet in this time of uncertainty, while sparking some social goodwill around you:

  • Send a picture of your artwork to:
    • support your local hospital/healthcare workers or other essential workers
    • share some virtual love with your friends and family
    • send someone encouragement during these challenging times

  • Hang your artwork in the window:
    • for all your neighbors to see
    • to thank your delivery drivers

It’s fun for grown-ups, too! Art and all forms of creativity are valuable any time, but especially during these times of stress and social isolation. So, if you’re in need of a break, we welcome you to join the coloring fun. We can’t wait to see your finished pieces!

Simply download the PDFs, print them out, then let your creativity shine to help brighten these dark days! 


Newly Added - Coloring Pages for Mother's Day and Father's Day

Inspirational coloring page for Mother's Day Inspirational coloring page for Father's Day

Mother's Day

Father's Day


Inspirational Quote Coloring Pages to send some Encouragement:

Inspirational coloring page for encouragement featuring Oscar Wilde’s quote “When it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars.” Inspirational coloring page for encouragement featuring Chuang Tzu’s quote “When the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.”

Rainbows and Stars

Caterpillar and Butterfly


Coloring Pages to Send Some Virtual Love:

Send a message to someone you miss. Send a High 5.

Newly added - Send this to someone you miss! 

Send a High 5

Coloring page to send a long distance hug. Coloring page to send someone a “Thank you”.

Send a virtual hug

Send a thank you!

(for healthcare workers, delivery drivers, essential workers, or anyone else who makes a difference)



Fun fact – these pages were all hand drawn by one of our talented employees, right here at ShelterPoint!

We’d love to see your finished artwork!  Snap a picture, and share/tag us on any of our Social Platforms for your chance to have your artwork featured on our page. 

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Follow us to see when more coloring pages have been added to this page for you to work on, and to see all the featured artwork we post!



This blog post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal counsel. Please consult with an appropriate professional for legal and compliance advice. Any Emergency COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave, Disability Benefits Law (DBL) and/or Paid Family Leave (PFL) information is as of the blog post’s date stamp; it is based on the applicable statutes and regulation, and may change as regulations evolve or NY State issues guidance regarding regulations.




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