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23 October 2023

Proposed Rules for CO FAMLI Program

See what rules and finalizations are in play for the CO FAMLI Program

Proposed Rules for CO FAMLI Program

The Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Division has been refining its rules for the FAMLI program. Most recently, the Division published proposed rules that are currently under review.  Let’s briefly explore what these proposed rules are, the rules process, and the implications for the state plan and approved private plans on benefits, which are set to begin in January 2024.

What Are the CO FAMLI Proposed Rules Under Review Presently?

There are several sets of new proposed rules, ranging from the definition of wages and benefit recalculations to appeals. They also include rules around job protection, anti-retaliation/anti-interference, program integrity, private plans, and participation requirements.

The proposed rules are published on the CO FAMLI website in clean PDF and redlined versions to make it easy for the public to see the changes currently under consideration.

What is the process of adopting these rules?

The public hearings on these proposed rules occurred on Tuesday, October 17, and comments were due by Thursday, October 19, 2023, which concluded the public comment period.

We are now awaiting the final determination and adoption from the FAMLI Division.  Sign up here for updates.

What does this mean for state and private plan readiness on January 1st?

These rules may have implications for both the state and approved private plans. Specifically, for ShelterPoint as a private carrier, our forms, systems, and processes may require some refinement to align with the forthcoming final adopted rules.

Please rest assured we are fully committed to working closely and diligently with the FAMLI Division, employers, and claimants during and after this final stretch to finetune our claims guides, forms, and internal processes potentially affected by the pending rulemaking. Our goal remains to ensure a smooth and efficient experience for our clients. In short, while some of these rules may have implications for us, we’ll be ready to begin paying benefits when the program becomes effective in January!

We will update you with more information as it becomes available – including when these rules are finalized.  Be sure to sign up for updates to get all the latest CO FAMLI information delivered right to your inbox!


The information in this blog post is based on our knowledge of the CO Family & Medical Leave Insurance Act (CO FAMLI) and regulations at the time of posting and may change as regulations evolve or the CO FAMLI Division issues guidance regarding the regulations. It is not an offer of coverage or intended to provide legal counsel. Please consult with an appropriate professional for legal and compliance advice.





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