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13 February 2020

New Jersey Private Temporary Disability Insurance: What Brokers Love

Just in time for Valentine’s Day!

  • 13 February 2020
  • Author: Anupam Garg
  • Number of views: 716
New Jersey Private Temporary Disability Insurance: What Brokers Love

Love is in the air!  We’re celebrating Valentine’s Day this year with the top 5 reasons for brokers to love New Jersey’s private Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) plans.   It’s now easier than ever before to switch your clients’ NJ TDI from the State plan to an approved private plan, thanks to the employee election requirement being removed from the law governing NJ Temporary Disability Benefits and Family Leave Insurance, (except for certain situations involving collective bargaining agreements).  In 2019, New Jersey also eased how employers move to a private plan: an original application with wet signatures is no longer required.

So, now that making the switch to an approved private plan is easier for their clients, what other advantages are there for brokers?

Top 5 reasons for brokers to love New Jersey’s private Temporary Disability Insurance plans:

  1. Insurance carriers have built expertise and scalability around administering and paying claims.

  2. This focus may bring other advantages such as faster claims turnaround and dedicated claims service – potentially resulting in a better insurance experience for your clients.

  3. Advising your clients about private plans creates an opening for a consultative sales approach, which is a great opportunity to strengthen your relationships. 

  4. The private insurance carrier pays your clients’ annual assessment fee.

  5. A private plan is commissionable.

What is a private Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) plan?

Temporary Disability Insurance coverage is considered a private plan when it is not provided by the default New Jersey State plan, but through an approved insurance carrier, a self-funded employer plan, or through a union welfare fund.

All insurance carriers who provide private TDI plans must be approved by NJ’s Division of Temporary Disability Insurance.  ShelterPoint has been an approved NJ TDI private plan carrier since 2003.

Learn more about New Jersey private plans

We’ve compiled the most important things to know about NJ Private Plans here - including how to switch from the NJ State plan to an approved private plan

If you still have questions about approved private plans or other Temporary Disability Insurance topics, stay tuned for more blog posts on this topic – subscribe here to never miss a post!

Can’t wait? Reach out to one of our TDI Experts at:



The information in this post is not intended as an offer of coverage (“Invitation to Contract”). It is for illustrative purposes only, providing a general overview of the services described. It is not a contract. Available in NJ only. The Temporary Disability Benefits (TDB) Law (Temporary Disability Benefits law (P.L.1948, c.110 (C:43-21-25 et seq.) governs this private plan and its interpretation and administration. All coverage extends up to TDB Law limits reflected in this policy. Please refer to the policy and TDB law for coverage details, a complete listing of covered services, provisions, conditions, exclusions, and terms under which the policy may be continued or cancelled. In the event of conflicting information with the policy and applicable TDB Law, the policy and TDB Law will take precedence over what is shown in this material. Claim payment is not guaranteed; benefit amount depends on wages. Policies have a statutory 7-day waiting period.


Underwritten by:

ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company (principal office in Garden City, NY) in: NJ (form# TDB-P-NJ)




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