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15 May 2018

NY Paid Family Leave: 2017 Babies are Getting Bonding Love, Too!

  • 15 May 2018
  • Author: Anupam Garg
  • Number of views: 699
NY Paid Family Leave: 2017 Babies are Getting Bonding Love, Too!

One of the unique things about New York Paid Family Leave is that it allows parents to take retroactive or “catch-up” bonding time off for babies born in 2017.  Parents have until baby’s first birthday to use their Paid Family Leave for bonding, so, if a baby was born in August, 2017, both parents have up until August, 2018, to take up to 8 weeks of leave to bond with their new little one.

And parents of babies born in 2017 are using it.

In the first 13 weeks of PFL, an average of 42% of the bonding claims that we’ve received are for 2017 catch-up bonding. This includes moms and dads of newborns, as well as parents of kids who were adopted or fostered in 2017.

As 2018 progresses, and the novelty of Paid Family Leave wears off, our data indicate that catch-up bonding may slip into the background: the percentage has been steadily decreasing week by week.


PFL Expert Tip:

Don’t forget, if you or an employee gave birth, fostered, or adopted a child in 2017, you only have until the child’s first birthday or the date of placement/adoption to take your Paid Family Leave.  Download PFL claim forms here, and get a handy claims checklist here to help make sure your submission is complete.


Find out how the Benefits of Bonding here, are important, and see how crucial bonding can be for both parents and babies.

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This blog post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal counsel. Please consult with an appropriate professional for legal and compliance advice. Any PFL information is as of the blog post’s date stamp; it is based on the applicable statutes and regulation,  and may change as regulations evolve or NY State issues guidance regarding Paid Family Leave regulations. Have more questions? Email us at




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